Got a request to create a data table get from some existing data to some required data formatting.
The Source data is like 'C10 L1_B21773197D.xls', 'EV1 L1_B21773602F.xls', 'EV116 L1_B21773659G.xls', etc.
The following were the requirements.
I created a temporary table with required values and get the desired data on another SELECT.
Follows the SQL statements.
Follow is the function used on the above query. For numbers, the IF condition would be changed as @code between 48 and 57.
The Source data is like 'C10 L1_B21773197D.xls', 'EV1 L1_B21773602F.xls', 'EV116 L1_B21773659G.xls', etc.
The following were the requirements.
Contained in legacy data file name
Sample legacy data file name : “C10 L1_B21773197D”
1. Alphabets
prior to Numeric characters)
Contained in legacy data file name
Sample legacy data file name : “C10 L1_B21773197D”
1. convert
numeric characters prior to “white space” to a 3 digit number (e.g. “1”
--> “001”)
2. Append
3 digit number to Category Code
Contained in legacy data file name
Sample legacy data file name : “C10 L1_B21773197D”
1. Extract
the 2nd occurrence of an Alphabets in File Name after “white
Space” (It will be value L or V)
2. convert
the numeric characters prior to “_”to a 2 digit number (e.g. “1” --> “01”)
3. Append
the 2 digit number (step2) to Alphabet (step1) to get volume code like L01
4. Append
volume code to Folder No to get Volume No like C001L01
Contained in legacy data file name
Sample legacy data file name : “C10 L1_B21773197D”
The 10 Alphanumeric characters after “_”
I created a temporary table with required values and get the desired data on another SELECT.
Follows the SQL statements.
SELECT SUBSTRING([Filename],1,(len([Filename]) - 4)) as TFilename --This line will remove the file extension
,dbo.f_get_alphabets(PARSENAME(REPLACE(SUBSTRING([Filename],1,(len([Filename]) - 4)), ' ', '.'), 2)) as Code -- This is to get only the alphabets from first portion,dbo.f_get_numbers(PARSENAME(REPLACE(SUBSTRING([Filename],1,(len([Filename]) - 4)), ' ', '.'), 2)) AS TCat --This is to get only the numbers from first portion,PARSENAME(REPLACE(SUBSTRING([Filename],1,(len([Filename]) - 4)), ' ', '.'), 1) as Vol -- This part is to get the second portioninto #TempLD -- Store data into temp tableFROM [dbo].[SourceTable]SELECT Code as CategoryCode,Code + RIGHT('000'+ TCat, 3) as FolderNo, -- Padding Zeroes infront to make it 3 digit number with zeroes in frontCode + RIGHT('000'+ TCat, 3) + LEFT(PARSENAME(REPLACE(Vol, '_', '.'), 2),1)+RIGHT('00'+ RIGHT(PARSENAME(REPLACE(Vol, '_', '.'), 2),1),2) as VolumeNo, -- Padded numbers and Alphabets concatenated to make the desired stringPARSENAME(REPLACE(Vol, '_', '.'), 1) as VolumeBarcode, -- Split the portion behind _ characterfrom #TempLD
Follow is the function used on the above query. For numbers, the IF condition would be changed as @code between 48 and 57.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[f_get_alphabets](@string varchar(255)) RETURNS varchar(255)BEGINDECLARE @newstring varchar(255)DECLARE @num intDECLARE @code intSELECT @newstring = ''SELECT @num = 1WHILE @num < LEN(@string)+1BEGINSET @code = ASCII(SUBSTRING(@string, @num, 1))--- ascii: 48-57 (numbers 0-9)--- ascii: 65-90 (uppercase letters A-Z)--- ascii: 97-122 (lowercase letters a-z)IF (@code between 65 and 90) or (@code between 97 and 122)BEGINSET @newstring = @newstring + SUBSTRING(@string, @num, 1)ENDSET @num = @num + 1ENDRETURN @newstringEND
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